Ionian University (IURC) holds the technical leadership of the 5G cyber range deployment spear-heading the various aspects of its implementation. As the technical lead, IURC ensures that the cyber range accurately reflects the complexities and challenges inherent in 5G networks and telecommunications systems. This deployment is crucial for providing a realistic platform for cybersecurity training, testing, and research activities within the project. In addition to establishing the cyber range infrastructure, IURC investigates approaches of adversarial artificial intelligence and relevant cyber attacks within the context of 5G networks. By studying these emerging threats, IURC contributes valuable insights to bolstering the resilience of 5G networks against sophisticated cyber attacks.

Finally, IURC leverages its expertise and experience in cybersecurity education to develop a comprehensive scoring system for the educational mechanisms integrated into the cyber range. This scoring system serves as a vital tool for assessing the performance and progress of participants engaging with the cyber range. The scoring system enhances the effectiveness of the educational component of the NITRO project.